Chat to us online
Talking about your concerns can often be the first step to making some positive changes. You can make a start by chatting to one of our experienced practitioners using the webchat service. Please note that they operate nationally and aren't connected to any individual Change Grow Live services.
What to expect
You'll be connected to a member of our online team who will introduce themselves, ask questions, offer advice and explore support options available. The service is confidential, so you can talk freely and without judgment. You can pick what you'd like to discuss from the links below.
If you're concerned about your drinking and are considering a reduction or even stopping, we can offer advice and discuss the support options available.
If you're worried about your drug use and are considering a reduction or even stopping, we can offer advice and discuss the support options available.
Young people
We can talk about what's concerning you, offer advice and discuss the support options available.
If a client or patient you're working with is struggling with drugs or alcohol, we can offer advice and discuss the support options available.
Family, friends and carers
If someone you care about is struggling with drugs or alcohol, we can talk about ways you can help them and discuss the support options available.

Websites and apps

Alcoholics Anonymous

Breaking Free Online