Coventry Drug and Alcohol Service

We are delivering training and information sessions for our partners interested in developing drug and alcohol awareness. The training is free and available to all our stakeholders and agencies who work closely with us or our service users.

We are going to continue to deliver these sessions via MS Teams to make them accessible for larger groups at one time. We also will be able to deliver in-person sessions throughout 2022, so if your organisation is interested in this, please get in touch.

To book any of our courses, contact: [email protected]

The programmes will cover:

  • An introduction to our service and how we can help
  • Basic Substance Awareness 
  • Brief Interventions
  • Substance Misuse in Pregnancy
  • Novel Psychoactive Substances
  • Addiction and Mental Health
  • Substance Misuse and Child Exploitation
  • Overdose and Naloxone training

Our sessions are ideal for: pharmacists, housing officers, social care, homelessness teams, mental health, general health workers, outreach workers, police, benefits advice agencies, children’s social care, health visitors, teachers, anyone working with children or adolescents.

Most of our sessions run for between 1 - 2 hours via MS Teams. There is a variety of interactive activities and tasks, information videos, and an information pack to keep after the session.

We also offer pre-recorded information videos around various substance-related topics and the work we do at the service.

Our sessions are led by our Community Development Lead and often accompanied by one of our volunteers, sharing valuable lived experience and knowledge with the attendees.

We look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you to our programme. You can book or request more information by sending an email to [email protected].

Our courses

    • Session duration: 10:30 - 12:00

    Introduction to Change Grow Live in Coventry

    An overview of our service in Lamb Street, Coventry.

    Learn about the ethos and aims of our work, how our teams are organised, the ways in which we offer support, and the referral pathways.

    2023 dates available:

    1st March

    5th April

    3rd May

    7th June

    5th July

    2nd August

    6th September

    4th October

    1st November

    6th December


    • Session duration: 10:30 - 12:00

    Opiate Substances Awareness

    Know what substances are commonly misused, why, and how people use them.

    An overview of opiates such as heroin, the effects of the drug and the treatment and support available, harm reduction advice and how we can support as a community around the stigmatic issues of opiates.

    2023 course dates:

    14th February

    9th May

    22nd August

    14th November 

    • Session duration: 12:30 - 14:00

    Non-Opiate Substance Awareness

    An overview of non-opiate drugs.

    An overview of non-opiate drugs such as cocaine, cannabis and NPS, the effects of these types of drugs and the support and treatment available for these substances, including brief interventions and harm reduction advice.

    2023 dates available:

    14th February

    9th May

    22nd August

    14th November

    • Session duration: 10:00 - 11:30

    Alcohol Awareness Workshop

    Exploring the effects of alcohol, alcohol dependency and guidance around brief interventions.

    Exploring the effects of alcohol, alcohol dependency and guidance around brief interventions. Advice on how to recognise the signs someone may need support, brief interventions and how to start those conversations.

    2023 dates available:

    29th March

    14th June

    27th September

    13th December 

    • Session duration: 10:30 - 12:00

    Substance Misuse and Mental Health

    Learn about the links between drugs, alcohol, and mental health.

    The links between drugs, alcohol, and mental health, the mental health conditions that can be triggered by substance misuse and the drugs which have the potential to do this. Understanding what dual diagnosis is and how we play a role.

    2023 dates available:

    13th February

    8th May

    21st August

    13th November

    • Session duration: 12:30 - 14:00

    Substance Misuse in Pregnancy

    We Look at the risks associated with the use of drugs and alcohol whilst pregnant, the risk to unborn children, potential long term harm to children including FASD.

    We look at the risks associated with the use of drugs and alcohol whilst pregnant, the risk to unborn children, potential long term harm to children including FASD.

    2023 dates available:

    13th February

    8th May

    21st August

    13th November

    • Naloxone and Overdose Training

      Essential information for anyone working with injecting drug users including correct needle sizes, paraphernalia, injecting risks, and safer injecting advice.

      Essential information for anyone working with injecting drug users including correct needle sizes, paraphernalia, injecting risks, and safer injecting advice.

      2023 dates available:

      30th March

      3rd May

      19th July 

      2nd November