Alcohol and drugs advice
If you’re concerned about your drinking or drug use but aren’t sure what steps to take, you can find lots of information and advice here.
Do I have a drinking or drug problem?
Alcohol quiz
Understand your drinking and find out what to do next.
Drug use quiz
Understand your drug use and read advice.
Cut down or quit drinking
Tips for anyone who wants to cut down or stop drinking.
Stop using drugs and stay safe
Advice for anyone who wants to cut down or stop using.

How can I stay safe and healthy?
A shared statement on nitazine
Read our shared statement on nitazine - a new synthetic opioid that has been leading to accidental overdoses.
Preventing relapse
Learn about relapse and how to prevent one.
Peer support
Find peer and group support.
Alcohol treatment options
Find out how our services can help you make changes.
Drugs treatment options
Explore the different options that can help you achieve your goals.
Find out about naloxone - the overdose reversal drug.
Advice for reducing your risk of harm if you use benzodiazepines.
Fentanyl and carfentanil
If you think your heroin could contain fentanyl or carfentanil, this page explains some things you can do to reduce your risk of harm.
Advice for staying safe and cutting down.
Learn about chemsex and how you can keep yourself safe.

Help someone else
How to help friends and family
Worried about a friend or family member? Speak to a member of our online team.
Drugs advice for professionals
Learn how to spot a drug problem and how to support someone.
Alcohol advice for professionals
Spot the signs of a drinking problem and see our suggested next steps.
Drug and alcohol info for parents
Advice for anyone worried about their child's drinking or drug use.

Find a service near you
If you need more support, our drug and alcohol services can support and guide you through your journey to recovery. They're free and confidential and everyone is welcome.

Useful websites and apps
The apps above are produced and owned by third parties. We make no guarantees that the information within them is accurate or up to date. Please get professional healthcare advice before taking any action.

Cocaine Anonymous


