Positive Choices Coventry

photo of amyAmy

Hiii, I’m Amy and I like bubbles, bouncy castles, food and football. I enjoy smashing golf balls, musicals and reading a good book. I don’t like cucumber but I eat it every day. I am chatty, enthusiastic and my mates describe me as ‘caring, kind and quirky’. I am the Digital lead so, am often the person behind the social media posts. I am also the Mental Health lead so you will often hear me talking about all things well-being. I don’t have any pets but I do have a unicorn called Éclair.

Phone: 07741 900 775

Email: [email protected]


photo of ashleighAshleigh

Hi, I’m Ashleigh and my role involves me supporting and coordinating any unpaid members of the team. This includes Peer Mentors, Volunteers and Student Placements. When I’m not working I love spending time with my family, my two amazing children like to keep me busy and on my toes. I also love being out in the fresh air, curry, the colour purple and all things magical! On the flip side, I’m not the biggest fan of mushrooms or the thought of being in open water.

Phone: 07741900787

Email: [email protected]

A man wearing a brown jumper with a red lanyard round his neck Ayo

Hey! I’m Ayo, and my specialist lead is working with young adults aged 16+. Through my years of experience, I have developed positive ways of engaging and maintaining relationships with young people to support them to make the changes that they would like to achieve. I have a passion for coffee, food, dogs and motorbikes (in that order). On a Friday night you’ll catch me with a takeaway (most probably a Chinese), a binge worthy series or running around the garden with the kids and my dog.

Phone: 07826937022

Email: [email protected]


A photo of Chandler smiling at the cameraChandler

Hello! I’m Chandler I am the Criminal Justice Lead at Positive Choices and I’ve been working here since February 2023. I love spending time with my family, going to festivals with my friends and holidays in the sun. My friends would describe me as trustworthy, caring, funny and a little bit crazy at times. I keep myself healthy by going to the gym but I also love a takeaway followed by lots of chocolate! Crime and wildlife documentaries are my guilty pleasure. In the future I hope to continue to support young people and travel to different parts of the world and experience different cultures.

Phone: 07721363381

Email: [email protected]


A photo of Chloe smiling at the cameraChloe

Hi! I’m Chloe and I support young people around healthy relationships and sexual health, both one to one and in group sessions.  I’m a Psychology Uni student with a big passion for mental health. There’s nothing I love more than cuddling up with my dog Benji, with a cup of tea and good book (or new show to binge watch). In my spare time I love to write poetry and paint with watercolours, anything artsy is my jam. One thing on my bucket list is to become a master at pottery.

Phone: 07721357347

Email: [email protected]


photo of claireClaire

Hiya! I’m Claire and I work closely with young people who struggle in mainstream school. I love makeup, spending time making my nails look glam, strawberry sugar laces and watching films. I always get excited for Halloween and Christmas; I go crazy with decorations all over my house! I am definitely a dog person; my Staffordshire Bullterrier is called Deeds and he is nearly 15. I can be quite shy in big groups of people, but I love to talk. I love listening to other people’s stories and experiences.

Phone: 07741900776

Email: [email protected]


photo of craigCraig

Hi, I’m Craig, I am the Team Leader here at Positive Choices. I manage most of the team and am responsible for the safety of all service users. I am a dad to a two-year-old and love spending as much time with him as possible. I love hiking, trail running and scuba diving. I’m a big music fan; Arcade Fire are my favourite band and Lady Gaga is my guilty pleasure. And the number one thing on my bucket list is to do a historical clubbing tour of Berlin.

Phone: 07741900799

Email: [email protected]


photo of jessJess

I’m Jess, I’ve worked for Positive Choices since November 2020. I am currently the Criminal Exploitation lead within the service and help to run the boxing club. Most of the young people I work with have experience of offending, have been exploited or are linked to gangs. I have a German shepherd called Dexter and two cats. When I’m not at work I’m either play-wrestling with my kids or binge-watching true crime on Netflix. My McDonald’s order is fries and mayo chicken with no mayo. 

Phone: 07423683940

Email: [email protected]


photo of jess DJess D

Hey! My name is Jess and I’ve been a Resilience Worker here at Positive Choices since May 2022. My specialist lead is to support young people around healthy relationships and sexual health. My happy place is at a gig, live music is my biggest love in life (alongside my children of course!). I am a huge Disney fan; my favourite film is Beauty and the Beast with Tarzan a close second. My favourite foods are Katsu curry, chocolate or anything Mexican and you’ll usually find me at home lost in a good crime/thriller or cheesy romance novel.

Phone: 07979195235

Email: [email protected]


photo of kellyKelly

Hey hey, I’m Kelly and I’m the Data Administrator. I’m usually the first person you or your family/carer will speak to. I’ll help arrange your first appointment and answer any questions you might have about us. Over the last year, I’ve really gotten into running and will often be encouraging the rest of the team to join me for a jog. My favourite thing to do is drink posh coffee and catch up with friends.

Phone: 07776963938

Email: [email protected]


A photo of Lauren Lauren

Hi! My name is Lauren and I am a Children and Families worker at Positive Choices. I've been supporting young people and their families for nearly ten years now and have worked with Positive Choices since January 2023. My perfect Sunday would be going on a morning hike and finished with a Sunday roast in front of an open fire and maybe a dip in a hot tub! I love meeting new people and will happily talk to anyone. My dream would be to go in a shark cage in the ocean to see a Great White Shark up close!

Phone: 07721675621

Email: [email protected]


A woman wearing black Sarah

Hello! I’m Sarah and I specialise in working with young people at risk of exploitation. I also work closely with secondary schools and will be delivering group work in the schools soon which I’m really looking forward to. I am lucky enough to have travelled and have a love for mountains and hiking, I have even hiked in Norway and Peru. I spend my free time with my family usually watching them play netball and cricket. I am learning French and I like to keep active so go to the gym and for a long swim when I can.

Phone: 07586722720

Email: [email protected]


photo of sharonSharon

Hi, I’m Sharon the Service Manager for Positive Choices. I have worked within the young people’s service in Coventry since 2009. I wasn’t very academic at school, but I loved sport (and was pretty good at it!). I represented Coventry and Warwickshire in Hockey. I love spending time at the allotment and find that it is great for my wellbeing. My other great love is 80’s music; Belinda Carlisle, if you’re reading, I’m your biggest fan!

Phone: 07741900829

Email: [email protected]


photo of TululaTulula

Hi! Im Tulula and my focus at Positive Choices is ‘Early intervention and prevention’ to help young people to stay safe. My favourite thing to do is dance! My happy place is in the dance studio where I spend lots of time doing Latin dancing. I love to keep active by going on long walks or just relaxing with a good book. My other favourite thing to do is travel and explore beautiful places around the world. I love animals and my favourite has to be a monkey!

Phone: 07741900722

Email: [email protected]