Mark and Leon

"When I became a Mentor, I was asked if I would like to mentor Leon, I was told that several attempts had been made to match Leon, but he refused to engage.  

I work with young people, on the streets and often can engage with them on their level. I decided I would like to mentor Leon. We first met at his home, he was quiet and seemed a bit reluctant.  

One of the areas where Leon need help with was getting him to attend his reparation at the Kastor centre, as this was part of his order. So, we talked about me taking him and if he wanted, I would stay with him and support him in whatever he did. On the first visit he decided he might like to help with the garden area. I asked him if he would like me to join in, and he did. We went out after for a bite to eat. During his sessions in the garden, he started to open up and relax. 

He had to complete ten hours of reparation, and did this with minimum fuss, he realised, after I told him, that if he put his head down and got on with it, it would pass.  

We talked about the group of people he had previously been involved in, who were all negative peers. That he was always getting into trouble, and it would be better to involve himself with a more positive group of friends. 

His mum and caseworker have all seen a change in him, and I am pleased because he has worked hard to get to where he is now.  

He has found some different friends and has disassociated from his previous group. I will be ending with him this month because he no longer needs a mentor."


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