Jack and Caden

Caden had just been released from youth offenders’ prison. He had a lot of orders in place and needed to attend to and complete them. It was suggested that a Mentor would help him adjust and would be able to assist him to attend his math and English lessons.  

When the Mentor Jack met Caden, it was suggested that Jack would pick Caden up and take him to his Maths and English lessons, Caden was ok with this, but also was not happy about going. After a couple of visits, Caden stopped going.  

Jack still met up with him and they went for food and chatted. Caden would like to become a fisherman and talked with great enthusiasm about this. So, on one visit they discussed going to the maritime museum in town, also to visit the dock areas.  

They have researched what a job would entail, and that Caden would need to take swimming lessons. 

They have put his name down on a waiting list for swimming and talked about him needing his Basic maths and English to be able to get a job. So, he is looking at doing this.  

He gets on well with Jack and they have built up a good relationship. Caden did present as a difficult young man and he acts a lot younger than his age, but he has really taken on board what his mentor says and engages very well with him. He is keeping away from the group of people he was mixed up with before going to prison, he stays in and is keeping out of trouble, keeping himself to himself and not engaging in any illicit activity 


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