Asking for help with your mental health
Talk to someone about how you're feeling
It’s nothing to feel ashamed about, and you’re not alone. Around one in four people in the UK experience a mental health problem each year.
Asking for help might seem scary, but it’s a step towards changing your life for the better.
There are lots of ways you can get help with your mental health. Talking to someone about how you’re feeling can help you find the right option for you.
If you’re struggling with your mental health, we would recommend visiting your GP. Explain how you’re feeling, and they'll give you advice or suggest treatment options.
Or, you might be able to access a mental health service directly. You can find out more about accessing services on the NHS website.
Other support options
If you're comfortable, we'd recommend sharing how you feel with someone. This could be your friends, family, or a professional, like a trained counsellor. You could also get in contact with a mental health charity.
Find out more about getting help with your mental health on the Mind website.
Avoid using alcohol or drugs to try and manage the problem
Some people try to use alcohol or drugs to change the way they feel or avoid unpleasant thoughts. Alcohol and drugs can sometimes make the problem worse, and cause other issues later on.
It’s much better to talk to someone else about how you’re feeling. That way, you can find the right treatment for your mental health.
If you’re worried about your alcohol or drug use, we would recommend taking our alcohol or drugs quiz. The quiz can help you understand whether your drinking or drug use is causing you harm. It will also suggest some next steps.
Take our alcohol quiz
Take our drugs quiz
Useful websites and apps
An app to help you learn to meditate and practice mindfulness.
Happify app
Activities and games to help reduce stress and improve your mental health.
SAM app
Understand and manage your anxiety.
Talk to someone about whatever you’re going through and how you’re feeling, 24 hours a day. Confidential and free. Call 116 123.
Mind InfoLine
Get information and advice about mental health problems, and the types of help available. Call 0300 123 3393.
Rethink Mental Illness Advice Service
Practical advice about lots of things related to mental health. These include the Mental Health Act and welfare benefits.
Out of hours support line giving advice and guidance to anyone affected by mental illness.