Trevi - Jasmine Mother’s Recovery

A bedroom with a double bed, a rocking chair and a baby's crib in it

Trevi provides support for women and their children in recovery and helping them make a fresh start in life.

Jasmine Mother’s Recovery takes referrals from across the UK and can accommodate up to 11 women and their children.

Each mother follows a trauma-informed therapeutic rehabilitation plan over an average 12-24-week stay. Facilities include 7 residential rooms, two family apartments, a therapy lodge, and an Ofsted-registered nursery for children to be looked after during therapy times.

Find the detox wait times for this provider via the National Detox Framework.

Find the rehab wait times for this provider via the National Rehab Framework.

‘Trevi has helped me get my baby back, stay clean and work on myself with support of professionals every step of the way. Trevi provided me with tools that can keep me stay safe and living my best life possible with my baby. Thank you so much to all the staff at Trevi.’

Find us

  • Sunflower Women’s Centre,
    29 Sutherland Road
    Plymouth PL4 6AW

Contact us

Phone: 01752 255 758

Email: [email protected]

For more information, please visit the Trevi website.