Richard's story

We hear from Richard who tells us that volunteering was the best choice he ever made and about the change, growth and self-development he's experienced.
“I’m in my 50s now and I’d been using substances since I was a teenager. Around two years ago I was on a prescription to try and give up substance, but I'd hit a wall. I felt like I had no future and was struggling with moving ahead.
In 2020 my recovery coordinator recommended that I become a service user representative. I couldn’t see myself working at all, but I told them I’d give it a go.
I didn’t think volunteering would be my way forward, but it turns out it was the best choice I ever made in my life. I’ve never been happier, I feel good, and that’s enough. In December of that year I had my first ever Christmas with no substances in my body, and I never thought I could live like that.
The backbone of all of that has been the work I do at the Mansfield Change Grow Live office. I help with the needle exchange, I give harm reduction advice, I run four peer support groups a week – two of them over Zoom. I wasn’t too keen on Zoom at first, but the amount of people we can reach who wouldn’t usually be able to get to groups is amazing. But we still have face to face too. On Wednesdays we meet up for a walk outside at the park or the local nature reserve. Now I love what I do, I love who I do it with.
I got involved with the National Lived Experience Group (NLEG) as well. I felt totally out of my depth at first, but they’re really supportive and loving. Through NLEG I’ve taken part in the Lunch with Russ and Mark broadcasts, I’ve spoken to staff about my experience with Change Grow Live, all sorts.
I would have loved to stay in the group, but I can’t because I’ve just got the role of a receptionist here at the Mansfield service. It’s only the second job I’ve ever applied for in my life. I’m still stunned that I got it! I couldn’t have done it without the people around me, everyone from the people here at the service to everyone at NLEG.
What people have done is show me I can be a decent human being. The things that are most important to me are my own change, my self-growth and development. If I’ve got that, I can go and do and be anything I want. And the work here, that’s just an awesome bonus.”