Pathways to Recovery - HMP Wandsworth

Recovery workers
Our team of Recovery Workers support people throughout their recovery journey. Each person will be allocated to a dedicated Recovery Worker who will help them to develop a personalised recovery plan. They provide screening, assessment, one-to-one support with setting goals and aims.

There are a range of psychosocial group interventions facilitated within our service. As well as Change Grow Live Foundations of Recovery Programme, we also offer tailor-made workshops based on the specific needs of our service users. In these workshops people can develop recovery tools, gain knowledge and connect with others in similar situations.

Peer mentors
Our service is assisted by a team of trained Peer Mentors who are prisoners with lived experience of recovery. The role of a Peer Mentor involves being present on the wing to welcome new clients, attend recovery groups and help people to access support.

Family service
Our family service is here to help service users address the impact of imprisonment and offending on family and other relationships. Our family worker provides service users with one-to-one support and workshops to strengthen family ties and improve communication.

Connecting Communities service
Our Connecting Communities service works with service users in prison and supports them through to the community for up to three months after release. This includes helping them to reintegrate into the community, access any ongoing support and continue to build on their recovery.

Data team
Our Data team process all referrals, input all data, and support the service in a variety of ways. They collect and analyse data to identify trends that inform our service delivery, ensuring that our service is providing support from an evidence-based approach.