Stacey - Independent Visitor

A photo of a woman with black hair. She is crouched to the ground, wearing a white t-shirt and blue jeans. She is holding a green parrot on her arm.


I am 36 years old and I am an Independent Visitor in Staffordshire and Stoke. I have a strong passion to work supporting vulnerable children and young people. My main hobbies are shopping, going away camping and walking my puppy.

I have been volunteering as an Independent Visitor for two and a half years now. I decided to apply because I wanted to make a positive difference to the life of a young person and become someone who they could rely on and trust. I have helped my young person to become more confident and we both really look forward the next visit. It is great to catch up with one another on a visit.

I think my volunteering makes a huge difference to the life of my young person but also to Change Grow Live. Without people applying to volunteer, they wouldn't be able to support all of the young people they currently do.

Our relationship has developed over the time we have known each other and gone from strength to strength. I remember being very nervous at first, but I soon relaxed and now I don't feel nervous at all. I look forward to going to pick them up and going out together to have some fun! I hope it lasts for many more years to come.


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