Young People's Drug and Alcohol Service - Croydon

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We provide non-judgmental, fact-based, information and support surrounding drugs and alcohol and the associated risks. Read about our training offering below.

1. Training for Professionals  

Training sessions for professionals on basic drug and alcohol awareness is available for partners in the community, such as schools, colleges, youth offending, leaving care services 


2. Targeted Workshops  

We provide targeted workshops on emerging trends to directly tackle issues within the community. This could be working with groups of young people around specific substances and local issues.  


3. Direct 1:1  

Support for children and young people around substance and alcohol misuse. We are here to help give you factual advice, help young people to use safer, make informed choices and promote better health and wellbeing. 


4. Hidden Harm 

We support children and young people who have been affected by a parent or carer’s substance misuse. 

The team

Our team is made of two Young People Resilience Workers and a Hidden Harm Worker. 

The team is managed by the team leader, Marsha.

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“Every young person matters and every young person has their own journey…Our approach is holistic and based on building resilience in young people”