Black Country FDAC

crossed hands on a person's lap

What is FDAC?

The Black Country Family Drug and Alcohol Court [FDAC] offers two pathways of support: 

  • Early FDAC offers support to families in pre-proceedings.  
  • The FDAC Court is an alternative family court for care proceedings.  

FDAC is specially designed to work with parents who struggle with drug and alcohol misuse, however, parents coming into FDAC will often face other challenges as well, including mental health problems and experiences of domestic abuse. 

Our team

A blue circle with a drawing of a family in the middle along with the words 'parents & children'. Around the outside there are outlines of people each with a label underneath. Starting from the top and going clockwise, they read, Manager, Family Support Worker, Adult Psychology & Psychiatry, Substance Misuse, Administration, Parent Mentors, Domestic Abuse Specialist, Child and Family Social Worker.Our specialist team is an essential part of our problem-solving approach.  


Our team is multi-disciplinary, meaning there are workers with different skills and expertise working together.  


Our team also work with other organisations and services to make sure your support plan is right for you and your family.